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EY CPR, AED & First Aid Update

2022 EY CPR, AED & First Aid Update Training

EY CPR, AED & First Aid Update #9 (click on link to register)

Registration closes: 4/8/2022

Course Starts: 4/10/2022

Course Ends: 4/15/2022 at 5:00 pm

EY CPR, AED & First Aid Update #10 (click on link to register)

Registration closes: 4/15/2022

Course Starts: 4/17/2022

Course Ends: 4/22/2022 at 5:00 pm

EY CPR, AED & First Aid Update#11 (click on link to register)

Registration closes: 4/22/2022

Course Starts: 4/24//2022       

Course Ends: 4/29/2022 at 5:00 pm

This is an CPR, AED and First Aid update created for EY staff who are part of the CPR/AED program and response team. Courses will start on Sundays and must be completed by Friday 5 pm that week. The course will be approximately 60-90 minutes.

(i.e. Course starts on 2/6/2022 must be done by 2/11/2022 - 5 pm).

Click in the links below to Register for the update that works best for you.